- Author: Victoria Stutt
- Series: ACE Science
- Key Stage: 3
- Year Group: 7, 8, 9
- Format: Spiral Bound + CD
- Type of Book: Teacher Book
ACE Science: Considering Concepts through Models and Analogies Teacher Book + CD
Over twenty easy to use, engaging tasks written specifically to help students embed difficult scientific concepts through considering models and analogies. The tasks use easily understood and everyday situations to encourage student engagement. The tasks will improve students' ability to consider abstract concepts and the strengths and weaknesses of analogies and models and will provide an excellent diagnostic resource to help identify misconceptions.
The tasks cover biology, chemistry and physics and each includes:
- Stimulus sheet: Introducing a model or analogy relating to a scientific concept
- Discussion Starters: Optional, editable, suggested sentence starters to help students consider how the model may represent the concept and any inherent flaws
- Teacher notes: Including National Curriculum links and ACE Learning Ladder.
The tasks are presented as worksheets to be photocopied with accompanying notes for every task. Each copy comes with a CD of the questions and starters in Microsoft Word and the complete book in PDF format, for use on whiteboards and networks.
Author | Victoria Stutt |
Series | ACE Science |
Key Stage | 3 |
Year Group | 7, 8, 9 |
Format | Spiral Bound + CD |
Type of Book | Teacher Book |