Product Details
  • Author: Andrew Chandler-Grevatt,Mark Evans,Victoria Stutt
  • Series: ACE Science
  • Key Stage: 3
  • Year Group: 7, 8, 9
  • Format: Spiral Bound + CD
  • Type of Book: Teacher Book
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ACE Science: Science Task with Learning Ladders: Biology Teacher Book + CD

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ACE Science: Science Task with Learning Ladders: Biology Teacher Book + CD
ACE Science: Science Task with Learning Ladders: Biology Teacher Book + CD
ACE Science: Science Task with Learning Ladders: Biology Teacher Book + CD

ACE Science KS3 Science Tasks Biology

Including a range of milestone activities for blocks of knowledge, concepts and skills from the National Curriculum, the activities are designed to integrate seamlessly with schemes of work and include detailed guidance on an easy-to-follow assessment system, plus resources on how to introduce and develop ACE Learning Ladders within your science department.

The book includes:

  • Comprehensive teacher notes, with a PowerPoint presentation and student worksheets, designed to introduce the success criteria to students 
  • Engaging tasks that support and challenge all students, providing opportunities for summative assessment and formative feedback 
  • A PowerPoint presentation that introduces the task and provides a starter activity designed to be integrated into a VLE or used at the start of the task 
  • Three differentiated, open-ended, assessable Badger Tasks to support Assessment for Learning (AfL) with student friendly ACE Learning Ladders 

VLE Integration:

  • The ACE assessment tasks are accompanied by paper and digital support media, allowing them to be used in the classroom and integrated into your school's VLE 


  1. Making a Model Cell 
  2. Observing Cells Under a Microscope 
  3. The Race to Make a Baby 
  4. The Journey of a Cheese Sandwich 
  5. How do we Breathe? 
  6. Investigating Variation in Beans 
  7. What Happens When We Exercise? 
  8. Investigating Yeast 
  9. How do Plants Grow? 
  10. Investigating Photosynthesis 
  11. Metals in Food Chains 
  12. Healthy Lifestyles 
  13. Seed Banks 
  14. Jackals' Social Behaviour 
More Information
Author Andrew Chandler-Grevatt,Mark Evans,Victoria Stutt
Series ACE Science
Key Stage 3
Year Group 7, 8, 9
Format Spiral Bound + CD
Type of Book Teacher Book