Thrust from Earth into a dangerous mission to a parallel, dystopian world, 15 year old Eden Boone finds herself desperately trying to protect herself and others from violent inhabitants whilst racing against time in a tense trial of courage and determination.

Fast-paced and thrilling, Daniel Blythe's high-octane adventure will certainly appeal to lovers of science-fiction and action-based stories or films such as Planet of the Apes or Mad Max!

Written specifically with a teenage reluctant reader audience in mind, this short novel contains manageable paragraphs made up of accessible language, a striking cover design and is balanced with a mature theme to engage with the reader and maintain interest.

A message from the author:

I found the biggest challenge was keeping the pace going, and making every character moment and piece of dialogue count. It's actually a bit like writing a script. I thought - how would "New Dawn" work if it was a 30-minute piece of TV, self-contained, like one of the old "Tales of the Unexpected" or "Twilight Zone" episodes? This helped to remind me to keep making it visual as well.

I also wanted Eden to be proactive throughout - to act as well as react. She has to take charge pretty quickly and be a believable leader. It was a good exercise for me in viewpointing everything very tightly.

Daniel Blythe