Home was excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and really loved the relationship between the 2 boys. The first chapter 'Farting' was really funny until the last sentence which made the story serious within a split second, making you feel awful for laughing. I loved the bit with the rug when the policemen call to tell the family about Max's grave and when they call to check Max's things and Danny is lying in his icy bed in front of the fans. Danny's Mum punching his Dad and breaking his nose was another great but sad bit of the story because you understand why his Mum does it but you feel real empathy for Dad as he overwhelmed with the guilt of losing his son and believing he was responsible.
For a short story it is a very satisfying read, different to the Scream Street novels but still with the same style of writing which I love!
Thanks a lot for letting us read it – cool book- 5 stars!
Beth Khalil - LRC Manager

I thought it was a great short story. Even though it was very short, the characters had real depth to them and you could tell what kind of family they were and what their life is like. I liked the theme of the story because Zombies are supposed to be scary and evil yet the story was the complete opposite. It was very different and I really enjoyed it.
Chloe Year 9

Short chapters, very easy to read but a very sad and emotional story especially considering it was a Zombie story and you expect it to be like all the others with this theme. At the end though it is so much more than that! There are so many relatable feelings towards each character coupled with the harsh reality of losing someone you love.
Alex Year 12

The story is so well written and emotional as you always want Max to be with his family and to not have died in the crash. Danny was my favourite character as you could feel his emotions so clearly. All in all a very moving and heart-warming short story.
Mrs Hodgson - Librarian

Thanks to the students and staff at Charles Thorp Comprehensive School for their thoughts after reading Home, we hope you enjoy it just as much as they did when it's released in January!