Move over Marvel, there's a brand new group of superheroes in town!

A story about this unlikely band of fairy tale characters featured in our popular series Once Upon Another Time..., but the potential for exciting adventures was simply too great for one book – these characters needed a whole series!

Enter The League of Enchanted Heroes:

Jack Mayer used to be an ordinary schoolboy. But when he crossed into Anotherland, he became Jack the Giant Slayer.

Now he's joined the most legendary crime-fighting team ever.

There's Hansel and Gretel with their fearsome magic powers; Rapunzel, who can battle villains with her strong, long hair; Red Riding Hood, the world's number one wolf-fighter; and Tom Thumb, the smallest, toughest, rudest hero around.

Together, they're The League of Enchanted Heroes.

The bad guys don't stand a chance.

Written by Tim Collins, this superb series is full of exciting, perilous encounters with werewolves, d