Appearances can be deceiving. In a judgemental world, can your students see Two Sides?

Two Sides is different to anything we have published before. With around 4000 words and a reading age of 8–9, these six books are suitable for your struggling readers aged 13+. They also make perfect quick reads for more able readers.

Each title has been carefully written by experienced authors to contain two parallel narratives offering differing perspectives on the same situation. These six, captivating stories follow a linear timeline with two alternating voices which read like diary entries, enabling the reader to keep up with events whilst gaining a multi-dimensional insight at the same time. These thoughtful narratives will take the reader on a rollercoaster of emotions and open their minds to situations experienced by many young people in today’s world, including domestic abuse, racism, establishing sexual identity and being a young carer. One perspective is written from the affected teenager’s point of view, and the other from a friend, parent, or authority figure, who has made an assumption about the situation coloured by prejudice or ignorance.

Read the blurbs to these fantastic books…

Girl Next Door by Karen Moncrieffe

Imani moves to a new house in an area where she doesn’t always feel welcome. She begins chatting to Kelsey, the girl who lives next door.

Kelsey seems nice, but her family and friends dislike anyone they consider to be different.

Will Kelsey find the courage to stand up to her family, or will hate drive the girls apart?

Sam by Emma Norry

Sam’s friends haven’t been round for months. He spends most of his time online. His schoolwork is suffering.

His mum is worried, but Sam reckons she doesn’t understand him, not like his online friends. Plus she’s really busy working two jobs. Sam can’t talk to his dad either because he’s gone and got himself a new family.

Will Sam tell anyone his secret, before it tears him apart? 

You Don’t Care by Luisa Plaja

Jordan likes Hannah even though his friend says she’s bad news. Jordan is sure it’s just gossip... until Hannah starts cancelling their plans for no reason.

Hannah likes Jordan, but she has to look after her dad and sister. She can’t always find time to go out and have fun.

Does Jordan care more about what his friend says than he does about Hannah?

Stop by Jenni Spangler

Ryan has always wanted to be a police officer. When he’s picked to go on a real undercover operation, it’s his chance to prove he’s got what it takes.

But on the way home, something happens and his life is changed forever.

Looking After Mum by Roy Apps

Dani is looking forward to Matt’s birthday meal with their friends at the local pizza place. But Matt doesn’t show up. Then, when Matt doesn’t reply to her texts, Dani is upset. She can’t believe Matt is the kind of guy who’d behave like that.

But Matt has problems of his own at home. Problems that he can’t bear to share with anyone, least of all his friends. 

Will Dani discover the truth?

Bruised by Donna David

Finn has been acting weird. He’s moved to his gran’s house in the posh end of town and now it’s as if he thinks he’s too good for his old friends. He’s getting into trouble too. All-night gaming and near-misses with the police.

Can Dean get to the bottom of what’s going on with his best mate? Or is it too late for their friendship?


To celebrate the launch of this thought-provoking series, we are including a FREE poster* with all orders of Two Sides. The books are available as individual titles, a reader’s pack consisting of one copy of each book and as an eBook PDF CD.