Monthly Archives: February 2013

Blog Posts: 1–11 of 2
  1. Numeracy Issues amongst Parents

    Numeracy Issues amongst Parents

    Posted on: Feb 27, 2013

    A recent study by the publisher Pearson, of over 2,000 parents has found that over 30% of parents “don’t feel confident enough in their own maths skills to help their children with their primary school maths homework”.

  2. English Teenagers Underperforming at Languages

    English Teenagers Underperforming at Languages

    Posted on: Feb 21, 2013

    A recent study compiled as part of the European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC) has found that English teenagers are the worst in Europe when it comes to foreign languages.

    Pupils of 14 European countries were tested through reading, writing and listening tests on the first foreign language taught in schools, and within these tests English pupils came last with the language of French.

    The study found that the French reading skills of 90% of English pupils were “basic” meaning they could only understand short, simplified tests, and in their listening skills, 93% of those studying French again had just “basic” use in that they could only comprehend simple expressions and phrases.

    Of the report a Department for Education spokesman said: “We are addressing the chronic lack of attention paid to foreign languages in schools.

    “It is vital young people start studying a language at an earlier age. That is why from next year we are ensuring that children learn

Blog Posts: 1–11 of 2