The world is in dire need of a new superhero. At Badger Learning, we have heard the plight of the people and we are thrilled to announce our new primary series, Snow-Man!

Snow-Man is the brain-child of esteemed author and Badger veteran, Tommy Donbavand, an expert in comic writing for reluctant readers, and pun enthusiast extraordinaire. The series is illustrated by the brilliant Steve Beckett, who's work features in such iconic comics as The Beano and The Dandy.

Let's set the scene:

Meet Cole Day.

Cole Day lives in the town of Shiverton with his parents, his sister, Winter, and pet dog, Jeff. His dad works at a nuclear power plant, and his mum is a TV weather reporter.
Not very exciting, until the day it all changed...

COSSSSHHH! A stray snowball hit Cole on the back of his head!

But it wasn't just any snowball. It was a RADIOACTIVE snowball! And it turned Cole into SNOW-MAN - the world's chilliest superhero!

Now, whenever Cole